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    People are looking  for  a scientifically based alternative in health care which is affordable.  Chiropractic  doctors  have a simlar education to medical doctors in  both  the number of hours and type of classes taken. The difference is in the  specialized training required  for spinal adjusting and other alternative healthcare procedures. 
    Effeciency of care based on much experience means that we are able to provide value  for your healthcare dollar spent.  I now have  25 years as a practicing doctor.  When you arrive here the goal is  to get you well as quickly as possible without unnecessary treatment.   
    Study after study has demonstrated  chiropractic cost efficiency over other types of  care for similar conditions.
    For example  a study published in the  professional journal Spine
comparing the effects of  spinal manipulation,  needle acupuncture, and medication for the management  of chronic spinal pain found that patients treated with spinal manipulation experienced the highest rate of recovery.  Of the 115 patients who participated in the clinical trial  those who underwent spinal manipulation had the highest rate of early recovery,  followed by  acupuncture, and lastly medication.   This is especially notable because the people undergoing spinal manipulation had experienced pain  nearly two years longer than the acupuncture group and nearly four years longer than the medication group.
(Giles G.F.,  Muller R. Chronic Spinal pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Medication, Acupuncture and Spinal Manipulation. Spine. 28(14)1490-1503.)
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